needs more work for example, sound is needed and make the movie longer and it would be great.
needs more work for example, sound is needed and make the movie longer and it would be great.
well done...
you've done really well but the eric voice needs work it has no emotion it really needs that to give the movie an extra boost, and make more please it was very good your graphics were good the only downer in that was as i said before the lad eric speaking keep up the good work.
Well its the text to speech engine I cant really create emotion but I have tried slowing certain portion of the script and creating different spelling like„³ instead of man ill go with maann but the result still no good . Any way I can¡¦t find voice actor and my Mic broken so that¡¦s the solution (many past movie review wanted voice so Walla! Voice in my third movie)
i liked the music the text and pictures never kept up with the actual song but it was very good.
LOL that was well cool W00t w00t.
what can i say apart from...
LOL it was wicked make more please there well funny but not also that make them longer please. LOL.
Thankyou other kind sir!
not that good....
because its to short and well really thats it it needs more of a story so please could you do that other than this good grapics.
ok wanted me to give you one of my reviews ok,
i think theres a bit of work to be done such as the graphics sound and voices mostly pey make it louder and more clear, also make the movie longer with probally the same story because its got a comedy side to it and is fair funny!
Keep up the good work.
that was really good make them longer and they will be absoulute wicked make a profile and let us keep track of your work.
Good should appear on the front page keep up the great work.
very well done but its not flash lol its still funny i dont have clue how you lot do that.
Down With Chavs (donate to our cause)
Flash Producing
Fuck School
England, Wigan.
Joined on 3/10/06