the last review was harsh, it was good graphics, but a crap plot if there was a plot. but i liked the graphics as i said before. use these in a longer movie.
the last review was harsh, it was good graphics, but a crap plot if there was a plot. but i liked the graphics as i said before. use these in a longer movie.
I donno if i'll be able to make a long movie like flash, since my computer always acts up. So im probably just gonna stick with short clips X_X but i'll try something that makes more sense ^^; lol and i knew i was gonna get a few harsh reviews so its not that bad XD
very well
done i love stick movies there great, and that was brilliant. im glad its going to become a series.
=) thanks that totaly made my day!
not much to say aprat from well done.
If you say so...
was absoulute wiked the best animation i have seen by far on newgrounds, there isnt much you have to improve on just instead of the subtitles use real voices, and what type of flash did you have to use to do all this aswell.
flash 7, btw thanks for the review man it kept my spirits up
was boring i couldnt understand anything he was saying so really who cares about what you're trying to say WE DONT CARE!
We don't care that you don't care. SOCK a nut.
was pretty good i liked it it was well done and i could see you had spent some time on this, also i liked the music i cant really think of anything more to say apart from very well DONE!
dang right it took a long time. oh ya. thanks for the good review.
that was really good well done make some more lol.
Thanks I will =D
i dont know why but i always love movies like this, the graphics just dipped a bit towards the end well done anyway.
thanks, next one will be so much better, remember to check back ;-)
well done tut you have given kool ideas and explained maybe in your next tut make the examples on how o make certian things more understandable i knew what you meant but for new users its a total different story, and again well done.
K, ill make examples in next tut!
Ty for review ^^
Down With Chavs (donate to our cause)
Flash Producing
Fuck School
England, Wigan.
Joined on 3/10/06